ROMA – The Road to Contemporary Art: a show dedicated to contemporary art, not the “usual fair”



Roma - The Road to Contemporary Art 2010/2012

Piazza Orazio Giustiniani, 4
Rome – I

The Fair was set up in the two pavilions of MACRO FUTURE and in the amazing and restored Padiglione della Pelanda


Roma - The Road to Contemporary Art 2008/2009

The Fair was plan to use a number of buildings and locations of great tradition, which is definitely unusual for a market exhibition, and they are situated in such a way as to create a fascinating first-ever itinerary to discover contemporary art in the setting of the “classical” city par excellence: from the rooms and cloisters of the Complesso Monumentale di Santo Spirito in Sassia to the halls of Palazzo Ferrajoli and Palazzo Wedekind, to the frescoed rooms of Palazzo Rospigliosi, and the sensational Tempio di Adriano.

The Fair Section Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Stargate Section – Palazzo Venezia
Startup Section – Complesso Monumentale del Santo Spirito in Sassia

Roma Contemporary

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